James 1:27

"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father
means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and
refusing to let the world corrupt you."
James 1:27

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Broken, destroyed, ruined, lost, stained, banging

We must be animals.  Someone* has broken off 3 drape slats (I really don't know what else to call them) from the girls' bedroom window and the window treatment hardware is bent downwards and we're afraid to open and close it.  Someone else* ripped off one of the tassles from a chair cushion.  Still another person* broke one of the legs off their bed.  I'm not sure if the glass door to an end table was broken before we got here or after someone* tried to fix it the second day we arrived.

  *Names have been removed for privacy.

Our shower looks like something out of a space age movie.  It has a radio, fan, lights, and multiple spouts where the water comes out and two doors that open and close.  The only thing is it leaks.  A lot.  Like, 4 large towels worth.  Soaking wet.  It's like one of the spouts is underneath this thing and when the shower goes on, so does the spout.  Kind of annoying, not bad enough to forgo showers, but enough to say something to the rental people.  They sent out a guy who glued the areas in question and said that should do it.  Unfortunately, it's still leaking.  They are setting up an appointment with us to show the guy the water coming from under the shower because he thinks it's fixed.  Fine.  Will do.  :)

Last night Scott and I heard hammering above our bedroom ceiling.  It sounded like someone was replacing a few pieces of their hardwood floor.  We tapped the ceiling with a broom and I think they switched to a smaller hammer because it was quieter, but still frustrating.  It continued for another 30 minutes or so and then sounded like it traveled to the side of our room and even underneath us.  What the?  We looked outside but didn't see anything.  The weird thing is there is a restaurant below us that was closed for the night.  I told Scott not to go upstairs and talk to the person or persons because who knows what would happen.  We're in Latvia, baby!  Just kidding.  It's not dangerous, but it was 11:30-2am when this was happening and nothing good happens after midnight...just saying.

Oh, we found a sweatshirt for Leah but she wouldn't smile for the camera so I had to take a picture when her back was turned.  We also purchased a collared shirt for Andris' Embassy appointment and another t-shirt for 80% off.  Sweet!  I'm not sure how many times Andris has tried on clothes, been in a clothing store, or received brand new items, but it really was sweet how surprised he was to receive a shirt, let alone 2, that he could pick out and that was JUST FOR HIM.  Made me want to go and buy him a whole bunch of stuff. I'll save that for the States.  :)

And with that, here are a few pictures to enjoy.  Good night!

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