James 1:27

"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father
means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and
refusing to let the world corrupt you."
James 1:27

Monday, May 21, 2012

Travel Dates!

Boo Yah, baby!  Our whole family is leaving on June 10th, arriving in Riga on the 11th and our court date is June 12th.  We are picking up Andris the morning of the 12th and taking him with us to court.  He'll be with us from that point on.  We are so excited!  We will be staying in an apartment in Riga and have so many things we want to see and do.

Many people have asked why we are taking the kids with us if we do not have to.   Here are some reasons:
1. It's a long time away from the kids.
2. What a wonderful way for all of us to spend time together, to bond and learn more about one another.
3.  To give all of us a little perspective on what Andris' life has been like up to this point.

I've said it before, but I need to continue to tell everyone how God has blessed this process.  We were concerned that we would be gone when my family would be down in NC.  My parents are coming Memorial Day weekend, my brother and his family (who we have not seen in 2 years) are coming down the 29-June 11, my sister Kristen and Liz, my cousins Julie, Wes and Katy (who I have not seen in about 6 years) are all going to be in NC the 31-June 3.  We prayed that we could go ASAP and knew there was a chance we would miss our family reunion (including my sister's bridal shower) but we were also hoping to be here as well.  Thankfully, our trip was scheduled around these visits and although Andris won't be here to meet everyone, we'll be able to Skype with him and introduce his new extended family members to him.  I'm so excited.  This is going to be great!

Thank you, Lord, for continuing to pave the way for our adoption of Andris.  We have put all our faith in You because You want this child to come home to his family.  We cannot and will not do this on our own.  Please continue to bless our journey to bring Andris home.  Amen.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Yes, we just received the referral 10 minutes ago and now are awaiting our travel dates!  Thank you, God!